.. _module-documentation: ====== |name| ====== This page provides an overview of the |name| package. For more information on the installation procedure, please see :ref:`install`. We suggest starting with the @TODO TUTORIAL, before coming back to this page. Once you are familiar with the basic function of |name|, additional details can be found on the following pages: * :ref:`units` * :ref:`pymodels` * :ref:`env_geom` Though the core of the simulator is written in C++ for efficiency, all relevant functions to create, configure and inspect objects are coded in python for convenience. .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: elements io morphology plot units Example ======= :: import dense as ds from dense.units import * neuron = ds.create_neurons(params={"position": (0, 1)*um}) Content ======= .. currentmodule:: dense .. autosummary:: dense.create_neurites dense.create_neurons dense.create_recorders dense.delete_neurites dense.delete_neurons dense.generate_model dense.generate_simulation_id dense.get_default_properties dense.get_environment dense.get_kernel_status dense.get_models dense.get_neurons dense.get_object_properties dense.get_object_state dense.get_object_type dense.get_recording dense.get_simulation_id dense.reset_kernel dense.set_kernel_status dense.set_neurite_properties dense.set_object_properties dense.simulate .. automodule:: dense :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: