Neuronal elements

As in the brain, neurons in DeNSE are composed of several elements, each associated to specific properties. These elements are set up in a hierarchical fashion: neurons contain neurites which themselves contain a number of growth cones, the growth cones being directly responsible for the elongation.

When a Neuron is created in DeNSE, an object of this class is returned and can be directly used to access or modify its properties, as well as the Neurite elements it contains. Each neurite also contains at least one growth cone; however, these elements are not directly accessible because all the growth cone of a neurite share the same properties; As such, they can not be accesses individually but are simultaneously modified when the status of the parent neurite is changed.

This section is dedicated to the neurons and neurites, how they can be accessed in DeNSE, and what their properties are. The full list of accessible methods for both classes can be found in the elements module, while more detailed explanations about the growth models which determine the behavior of the growth cones is developed in Growth models.

Neurons and neuronal properties

A neuron is born

Neurons can be created through the create_neurons() function, which, by default, creates a single neuron and returns it as a Neuron object.

The neuron has some specific properties:

  • a position for the cellular body, the soma,

  • a radius, given by soma_radius, distance from which the neurites will start growing from the soma.

The minimal code to create a neuron is thus

import dense as ds
from dense.units import *

neuron = ds.create_neurons(params={"position": (0., 0.)*um})

which creates a single neuron at (0, 0), with a default soma radius of 8 \(\mu m\) and no neurites.

A neuron has neurites

When calling the create_neurons() function, one can directly provide a value to the num_neurites argument (by default 0) in order to create the neurites directly.

In DeNSE, the neurites are directly created with a specific type (either axon or dendrite). The types of the newly created neurites depend on the parameter has_axon, which determines whether the neuron has an axon or only dendrites and on the name of the neurite. If has_axon is True, then naming a neurite “axon” is authorized and will create an axon, while any other name will be associated to a dendrite. If has_axon is False, only dendrites are created. In that second case, if a network is created containing this neuron, the corresponding node in the generated network will only have incoming edges.

When neurites are created, they are assigned names. This can either be generated automatically as ("axon", "dendrite_1", "dendrite_2", ...) or be user defined (except for the axon, which must always be named "axon"). Custom names for neurites can be provided through the following methods:

  1. via the neurite_names entry for create_neurites() (especially useful if no specific parameters are provided), or directly as names when using the create_neurites() method.

  2. directly as keys in the neurite_params/params dictionary containing the specific parameters for each neurite.

These two methods are shown below:

 1# create neurites with generic parameters but custom names
 2neuron = ds.create_neurons(num_neurites=3,
 3                           neurite_names=["axon", "apical", "basal"])
 5# create neurites with specfic parameters using the neurite_params entry
 6# to set the neurite names
 7axon_params   = {"speed_growth_cone": 0.1*um/minute}
 8apical_params = {"speed_growth_cone": 0.05*um/minute}
 9basal_params  = {"speed_growth_cone": 0.01*um/minute}
11neurite_params = {
12    "axon": axon_params, "basal": basal_params, "apical": apical_params
15neuron2 = ds.create_neurons(num_neurites=3, neurite_params=neurite_params)

For more details, see the example file.

Optionally, neurites can also be created after the neuron’s creation, using the create_neurites() function or calling the create_neurites() method of the Neuron.

The neurites created that way will emerge from the neuron with angles that can be constrained in two different ways:

  1. Using neurite_angles in the neuron parameter dictionary to explicitly set the angles of the dendrites and axon relative to the horizontal. E.g. {"neurite_angles": {"axon": 15, "dendrite_1": 60, "dendrite_2": 180}. This parameter can only be used upon neuron creation through the create_neurons() function. Otherwise, the neurite angle can also be set directly using the create_neurites() function after neuron creation or via angles in create_neurites(). This parameter can be combined with random_rotation_angles`. When set to True, this wil randomly rotate the neurites as a block, preserving their relative angles.

  2. The neurites can be qualitatively positioned using a probabilistic algorithm through the axon_polarization_weight (\(w_a\)) and polarization_strength (\(s_p\)) parameters. This provides a minimal trophism approach that will try to put the axon end dendrites on opposing sides of the soma while trying to maximise the distance between neurites. The algorithm to add a neurite at an angle \(\theta\) is as follow:

    • sort the existing angles \(\{\theta_i\}_{i \in [0, n]}\)

    • compute all angular apertures given by \(\Delta\theta_i = (\theta_{i+1} - \theta_i) / \gamma_i\) for \(i \in [0, n]\) with \(\theta_{n+1} = \theta_0 + 2\pi\) and \(\gamma_i = 1 + w_a\) if \(\theta_a \in \{\theta_i, \theta_{i+1}\}\) and \(\gamma_i = 1\) otherwise

    • select the largest value \(\Delta\theta_m\) and insert the new neurite somewhere in the middle through the following formula: \(\theta = \theta_m + \Delta\theta_m \left(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{2\chi - 1}{2 s_p}\right)\) with \(\chi\) a uniform random variable on [0, 1].


 1# at neuron creation
 2neuron = ds.create_neurons(params=params, num_neurites=2,
 3                           neurite_names=["axon", "dendrite"])
 5# after neuron creation
 6neurons = ds.create_neurons(2)
 8neurons[5].create_neurites(2, names=["axon", "dendrite"], angles=angles)
10ds.create_neurites(neurons[6], num_neurites=2, names=["axon", "dendrite"],
11                   angles=angles)


Using num_neurites on growth cone creation with the create_neurons(), one must make sure that the neurite_angles dictionary, if provided, contains exactly num_neurites items.

Setting parameters

All the properties described here can be set with set_object_properties(), passing the Neuron object, or its GID, to object, and the properties through the params dictionary. For people who prefer a more “object-oriented” approach, you can modify a neuron and set its properties directly through the methods of the Neuron object, notably set_properties().

Besides the parameters discussed previously, one can also set the following properties of the neuron:

  • soma_radius to characterize the size of the cell body,

  • description contains a string which can by used to differenciate this neuron from other elements,

  • the growth_cone_model entry can be used to set the growth model for all neurites in the neuron. See Growth models for more details. This setting can be overruled by specific settings in the dendrite parameters or axon parameters (see below).

Neurite properties and structure

Properties of a neurite (axon or dendrites) are specific to this neurite, unlike those set using the neuronal parameters. They govern the growth process and the branching mechanisms of the neurite of interest.


Generic neurite properties both for dendrites’ and axon’s growth (see Growth models) can also be assigned for all neurites as neuron parameters. These general settings can be overruled by the specific settings of dendrites’ and axon’s properties.

Getting and setting properties

All the properties described here can be set with set_object_properties() through the axon_params or dendrites_params dictionaries, or directly on the Neurite object through its set_properties() Some neurite-specific properties which are independent of the specific growth cone models are:

  • max_gc_number, the maximum number of growth cones the neurite can sustain. If this limit is reached the neurite will not split or branch anymore.

  • max_arbor_length: maximum distance that can be covered by all the branches of the neurite added together. At this point, all growth cones will stop growing.

  • taper_rate (\(r_t\)), diameter reduction rate, determines the linear reduction of the neurite diameter with distance from the soma. At a distance \(l\) from the soma, the diameter an unbranched neurite will thus be \(d = d_0 - r_t\cdot l\).

  • initial_diameter gives the size of the neurite at the soma.

From a Neuron object, the neurites can directly be accessed using the axon or dendrites properties:

neuron = ds.create_neurons(params={"position": (0., 0.)*um}, num_neurites=3)

a  = neuron.axon
dd = neuron.dendrites
d1 = dd["dendrite_1"]

Since by default dendrites are named "dendrite_X with X \(\in\) {1, …, num_neurites - 1} if the neuron has an axon, or {1, …, num_neurites} if it does not.

Neurite structure

The neurite is the main structural element of a neuron; it is composed of one or multiple branches which usually make an arborescent structure.

The structure can be queried directly from the neurite, either simply to plot it


or to get the points describing the path of the neurite, the associated diameters, or the angles

points = a.xy
diams  = a.diameter
angles = a.theta