This page provides an overview of the DeNSE package.

For more information on the installation procedure, please see Installing the library.

We suggest starting with the @TODO TUTORIAL, before coming back to this page. Once you are familiar with the basic function of DeNSE, additional details can be found on the following pages:

Though the core of the simulator is written in C++ for efficiency, all relevant functions to create, configure and inspect objects are coded in python for convenience.


import dense as ds
from dense.units import *

neuron = ds.create_neurons(params={"position": (0, 1)*um})


dense.create_neurites(neurons[, ...])

Create neurites on the specified neurons.

dense.create_neurons([n, params, ...])

Create n neurons with specific parameters.

dense.create_recorders(targets, observables)

Create recorders to monitor the state of target neurons in the environment.

dense.delete_neurites([neurite_names, neurons])

Delete neurites.


Delete neurons.

dense.generate_model(elongation, steering, ...)

Returns a Model object giving the method to use for each of the three main properties:


Generate the Hash from the elements passed and add date and time of the kernel initialization.

dense.get_default_properties(obj[, ...])

Returns the default status of an object.


Return the environment as a Shape object.


Get the configuration properties.


Get available models for an object type.


Return the existing neurons

dense.get_object_properties(obj[, ...])

Return the object's properties.

dense.get_object_state(obj[, observable, ...])

Return the state of a neuron or neurite at the current time.


Return the type of the object associated to gid.

dense.get_recording(recorder[, record_format])

Return the recorded data.


Get the identifier for the simulation


Reset the whole simulator.

dense.set_kernel_status(status[, value, ...])

Set the simulator's configuration.

dense.set_neurite_properties(neuron, ...)

Set the status of a specific neurite on a specific neuron.

dense.set_object_properties(objects[, ...])

Update the status of the objects using the parameters contained in params.

dense.simulate(time[, force_resol])

Simulate the growth of the neurons.

Python/cython interface to the growth C++ code

dense.create_neurites(neurons, num_neurites=1, params=None, angles=None, names=None)[source]

Create neurites on the specified neurons.

Neurite types (axon or dendrite) are based on the neurite names: axon must always be named “axon”, all other names will be associated to a dendrite.

  • neurons (Neuron, list, or GIDs) – Neurons on which neurites should be created.

  • num_neurites (int, optional (default: 1)) – Number of neurites that will be added to each neuron.

  • params (dict, optional (default: None)) – Parameters of the neurites.

  • angle (list, optional (default: automatically positioned)) – Angles of the newly created neurites.

  • names (list, optional (default: "axon" and "dendrite_X")) – Names of the created neurites, if not provided, will an “axon” or a dendrite with default name “dendrite_X” (X being a number) will be created, depending on whether the neuron is supposed to have an axon or not, and depending on the number of pre-existing neurites.


When using this function, the same number and types of neurites will be created for each neuron; to create varying numbers, types, or relative angles for the neurites, the function must be called separately on the different sets of neurons.

dense.create_neurons(n=1, params=None, num_neurites=0, neurite_params=None, neurite_names=None, culture=None, on_area=None, neurites_on_area=False, return_ints=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create n neurons with specific parameters.

  • n (int, optional (default: 1)) –

  • params (dict, optional (default: None)) – Parameters of the object (or shape object for obstacle).

  • neurite_params (dict, optional (default: same as params)) – Specific parameters for neurite growth. Entries of the dict can be lists to give different parameters for the neurites of each neuron. To provide different parameters for each neurite, one can provide neurite_params as a dict of dict, with the neurite names as keys.

  • num_neurites (int, optional (default: 0)) – Number of neurites (same for all neurons).

  • neurite_names (list, optional (default: None)) – Names of the neurites. If not provided, defaults to keys of dendrite_params. If dendrite_params is also empty, defaults to [“axon”, “dendrite_1”, dendrite_2”, …] (without “axon” if the neurite has “has_axon” set to False).

  • culture (Shape, optional (default: existing environment if any)) – Spatial environment where the neurons will grow.

  • on_area (str or list, optional (default: everywhere in culture)) – Restrict the space where neurons will be randomly seeded to an area or a set of areas.

  • neurites_on_area (bool, str, area, or list, optional (default: False)) – Restrict the points where neurites will extend from the soma. This is typically used to account for the fact that, when seeded on patterned surfaces, neurons will extend their neurites only on the patterns. If True, then on_area must be set and the same area will be used. If False, neurite are not constrained.

  • return_ints (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether the neurons are returned as Neuron objects or simply as integers (the neuron gids).


neurons – By default, returns a Neuron object if a single neuron is requested, a Popuulation if several neurons are created, or a tuple of the neurons’ GIDs if return_ints is True.

Return type

Neuron, Population, or ints


Creating one neuron:

neuron_prop = {
    "position": (5., 12.)*um,
    "description": "my_special_neuron"

neurite_prop = {
    "axon": {
        "speed_growth_cone": 1.*um/hour,
        "persistence_length": 300.*um
    "dendrite_1": {"speed_growth_cone": 0.2*um/hour},
    "dendrite_2": {"speed_growth_cone": 0.3*um/hour}

neuron = ds.create_neurons(params=neuron_prop,
                           num_neurites=3, # axon + 2 dendrites


When specifying num_neurites, the first neurite created is an axon unless has_axon is set to False, the subsequent neurites are dendrites. If has_axon is set to False, then only dendrites are created.

dense.create_recorders(targets, observables, sampling_intervals=None, start_times=None, end_times=None, levels='auto', restrict_to=None, record_to='memory', buffer_size=100)[source]

Create recorders to monitor the state of target neurons in the environment. One recorder is created on each thread containing target neurons for every observable.


One recorder records only from the neurons located on the same thread. This means that, when using multithreading, several recorders might be created even for only one observable if the target neurons are handled by several different threads.


For observables that are available at different levels, the recording at the upper levels is the sum of the values at the lower levels. E.g. for “length”, the neurite level give the sum of all branch lengths and the neuron level the sum of all neurite lengths.

  • targets (int or array of ints) – Gids of the neurons to record from.

  • observables (string or list of strings) – Names of the properties that will be recorded for each of the target neurons. One recorder will be in charge of only one observable. (see below for the list of possible observables)

  • sampling_intervals (int or list of ints, optional (default: resolution)) – Interval between two successive recordings for a continuous observable, expressed in seconds. Must be a multiple of the resolution for the current simulation.

  • start_times (Time or list of Times, optional (default: initial time)) – Time at which the recording should start. (not implemented yet)

  • end_times (Time or list of Times, optional (default: final time)) – Time at which the recording should stop. (not implemented yet)

  • levels (string or list of strings, optional (default: "auto")) – Level at which the observable should be recorded, if several levels are possible (e.g. “length” can be measure at the “growth_cone”, “neurite”, or full “neuron” level, each higher level being the sum of its sublevels).

  • restrict_to (string or list of strings, optional (default: None)) – Restrict recording to a specific neurite, either “axon” or one of the dendrites (“dendriteX”, with X the dendrite number).

  • record_to (string or list of strings (default: "memory")) – Where the recordings should be stored. Default is in memory, otherwise a filename can be passed, to which the recording will be saved.

  • buffer_size (int or list of ints, optional (default: 100)) – Number of measurements that will be kept in memory before the recorder writes to the file. Only used if record_to contains a filename.


recorders – Gids of the recorders created. recorders contains one entry per value in observables since at least recorder in created for each observable.

Return type


See also

get_default_properties() to find the observables associated to various elements; e.g. use ds.get_default_properties("neuron", "observables", False) to get the available observables for a neuron.

dense.delete_neurites(neurite_names=None, neurons=None)[source]

Delete neurites.

  • neurite_names (str or list, optional (default: all neurites)) – Neurites which will be deleted.

  • neurons (list of neurons, optional (default: all neurons)) – Neurons for which the neurites will be deleted.


Delete neurons.


neurons (list of neurons, optional (default: all neurons)) – Neurons to delete.

dense.generate_model(elongation, steering, direction_selection)[source]

Returns a Model object giving the method to use for each of the three main properties:

  • the elongation type (how the growth cone speed is computed)

  • the steering method (how forces are exerted on the growth cone)

  • the direction selection method (how the new direction is chosen at each step)

  • elongation (str) – Among “constant”, “gaussian-fluctuations”, or “resource-based”.

  • steering (str) – Among “pull-only”, “memory-based”, or “self-referential-forces” (not yet).

  • direction_selection (str) – Either “noisy-maximum”, “noisy-weighted-average”, or “run-and-tumble”.



Return type

the complete model.


The properties of the model can be obtained through model.elongation, model.steering and model.direction_selection.

For more information on the models, see Growth models.


Generate the Hash from the elements passed and add date and time of the kernel initialization.

dense.get_default_properties(obj, property_name=None, settables_only=True, detailed=False)[source]

Returns the default status of an object.

  • obj (str or Model.) – Name of the object, among “recorder”, “neuron”, “neurite”, “axon”, or “growth_cone”, or a model, either as a string (e.g. “cst_rw_wrc”) or as a Model object returned by generate_model().

  • property_name (str, optional (default: None)) – Name of the property that should be queried. By default, the full dictionary is returned.

  • settables_only (bool, optional (default: True)) – Return only settable values; read-only values are hidden.

  • detailed (bool, optional (default: False)) – If True, returns some of the options available for the substructures (e.g. for a neuron, also returns the options of the neurite and growth cone).


status – Default status of the object.

Return type



Return the environment as a Shape object.


Get the configuration properties.


property_name (str, optional (default: None)) – Name of the property that should be queried. By default, the full configuration is returned.


status – Configuration: either a single value if property_name was specified, or a dictionary containing the full configuration.

Return type

dict or specific type


Get available models for an object type.


abbrev (bool, optional (default: True)) – Whether to return only the abbreviated names of the models.


models – A dictionary containing the names of the models associated to their respective Model object.

Return type


See also



Return the existing neurons


as_ints (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether only the ids of the neurons should be returned instead of Neuron objects. Useful for large simulations to reduce the memory footprint.


  • A (class:~dense.elements.Population` object if several neurons are created,)

  • a Neuron if a single neuron is created, or a tuple

  • of ints if as_ints is True.

dense.get_object_properties(obj, property_name=None, level=None, neurite=None, settables_only=False, return_iterable=False)[source]

Return the object’s properties.

  • obj (Neuron, list of neurons/gids, Neurite or list of neurites) – Elements for which the state will be returned.

  • property_name (str, optional (default: None)) – Name of the property that should be queried. By default, the full dictionary is returned.

  • level (str, optional (default: highest)) – Level at which the status should be obtained (only for neurons). Should be among “neuron”, “neurite”, or “growth_cone”.

  • neurite (str optional (default: None)) – Neurite of neurons gids that should be queried (either axon or dendrites). By default, both dictionaries are returned inside the neuronal status dictionary. If neurite is specified, only the parameters of this neurite will be returned.

  • settables_only (bool, optional (default: False)) – Return only settable values; read-only values are hidden.

  • return_iterable (bool, optional (default: False)) – If true, returns a dict or an array, even if only one gid is passed.


status – Properties of the objects’ status:

  • single value if gids contained only one node and property_name was specified (unless return_iterable is True)

  • dict if gids contained only one node and property_name was not specified.

  • array of values if gids contained several nodes and property_name was specified.

  • array of ``dict``s if gids contained several nodes and property_name was not specified.

Return type


dense.get_object_state(obj, observable=None, level=None, return_iterable=False)[source]

Return the state of a neuron or neurite at the current time.

  • obj (Neuron, list of neurons/gids, Neurite or list of neurites) – Elements for which the state will be returned.

  • observable (str, optional (default: all observables)) – Name of the property that should be queried.

  • level (str, optional (default: "neuron")) – Level at which the status should be obtained (either “neuron”, “axon”, or a specific dendrite name). This entry is valid only if obj is a neuron or a list of neurons.

  • return_iterable (bool, optional (default: False)) – If true, returns a dict or an array, even if only one gid is passed.



Return type

float or list of floats


Return the type of the object associated to gid. An error is thrown if the GID does not exist.


gid (int) – The object GID in the simulator


Return type

A string describing the object, e.g. “neuron” or “recorder”.

dense.get_recording(recorder, record_format='detailed')[source]

Return the recorded data.

  • recorder (gid or list of gids) – Id(s) of the recorder(s).

  • record_format (str, optional (default: "detailed")) – Formatting of the record. This is only useful if the recording occurs at neurite or growth cone level. If “detailed”, is used, the record dict first contains all neurons ids; each entry is then a new dict with the neurite ids as entries; if level is “growth_cone”, then there is a final dict with the growth cone ids as entries. If “compact” is used, only one id per recorded item is used; for growth cones.


At neurite level:

>>> get_recording(rec)
>>> {
>>>     observable: {
>>>         neuron0: {"axon": [...], "dendrite1": [...], ...},
>>>         neuron1: {"axon": [...], "dendrite1": [...], ...}, ...
>>>     },
>>>     "times": [...]
>>> }
>>> get_recording(rec, "compact")
>>> {
>>>     observable: {
>>>         "data": {
>>>             (neuron0, "axon"): [...],
>>>             (neuron0, "dendrite1"): [...], ...
>>>             (neuron1, "axon"): [...], ...
>>>          },
>>>          "times": [...]}
>>>     }
>>> }

Get the identifier for the simulation


Reset the whole simulator.

dense.set_kernel_status(status, value=None, simulation_id=None)[source]

Set the simulator’s configuration.

  • status (dict or string) – Dictionary containing the configuration options.

  • value (object, optional (default: None)) – Used to set a single value.

  • simulation_id (str) – Unique identifier of the simulation, generally simulation_id = Hash(kernel_status, params)


Available options are:

  • "adaptive_timestep" (float) - Value by which the step should be divided when growth cones are interacting. Set to -1 to disable adaptive timestep.

  • "environment_required" (bool) - Whether a spatial environment should be provided or not.

  • "interactions" (bool) - Whether neurites interact with one another.

  • "max_allowed_resolution" (time) - Maximum timestep allowed.

  • "num_local_threads" (int) - the number of OpenMP thread per MPI process.

  • "print_time" (bool) - whether time should be printed during the simulation.

  • "resolution" (time) - the simulation timestep.

  • "seeds" (array) - array of seeds for the random number generators (one per processus, total number needs to be the same as num_virtual_processes)

dense.set_neurite_properties(neuron, neurite, params)[source]

Set the status of a specific neurite on a specific neuron.

  • neuron (Neuron or int) – Neuron containing the neurite to update.

  • neurite (Neuron or str) – Neurite to update.

  • params (dict) – Parameters of the neurite.

dense.set_object_properties(objects, params=None, neurite_params=None)[source]

Update the status of the objects using the parameters contained in params.

  • objects (object or int) – Objects to update (either neurons or recorders).

  • params (dict, optional (default: None)) – New parameters of the objects.

  • neurite_params (dict, optional (default: None)) – New neurite parameters if objects are neurons.

dense.simulate(time, force_resol=False)[source]

Simulate the growth of the neurons.


time (float or int (dimensionned quantity)) – Duration of the simulation.